
MOC Positions Still Need To Be Filled

MOC Parents:

Thank you to so many of you who have already signed up!  We still have many positions to fill; please read the list below. We added additional Security positions, so if more than one signs up, he or she will not have to do it as long.

Please log on here and select Jobs Signup or email us at [email protected] with your choice.

Serving in postseason is mandatory if your athlete is competing. If any positions go unfilled, we will be required to pick out parents as they enter the natatorium or from the stands to fill positions. If it comes to that, your only choice will be to fill the position or leave. Please save us an awkward moment. Thank you.

06/27/24 – D3 MOC 10 & Under:

Job Needed Filled Unfilled
Ready Bench Organizer 2 1 1
Security 3 0 3
Stroke Judge 2 1 1
Tent Parent, 6 & Under Boys 2 1 1
Tent Parent, 6 & Under Girls 2 1 1
Tent Parent, 9/10 Girls 2 0 2
Tent Setup 5 2 3
Timer 6 4 2

06/27/24 – D3 MOC 11 & Up:

Job Needed Filled Unfilled
Ready Bench Organizer 2 0 2
Security 3 0 3
Stroke Judge 2 0 2
Tent Breakdown 5 3 2
Tent Parent, 11/12 Boys 2 1 1
Tent Parent, 13/14 Boys 1 0 1
Timer 6 3 3


Steve Dowd
Torpoedoes Volunteer Coordinator

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