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2024 Torpedoes Swim Team

Group photo of the New Territory Torpedoes Swim Team
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About Us

Who is New Territory Torpedoes Swim Team?

New Territory Swim Team (NTST) is a non-profit, volunteer led organization founded in 2000. We provide interested New Territory, River Park, Telfair, Chelsea Harbor, Old Orchard, Orchard Lakes, Stratford Park, Summerfield, Green Harvest, and Aliana youths the opportunity to participate in a quality competitive summer swimming program.

Our goal is to provide personal growth, self-esteem, enjoyment and introduction to the lifelong health benefits of the sport of swimming. The sport will be taught in a fun environment while nurturing a competitive attitude and allowing each swimmer to progress at their own rate.

SHRSL Swim League

The Torpedoes are returning to the SHRSL Swim League after the past two years in the WHALe League.  


1. NTST is available to all swimmers that are residents of New Territory and non-residents ages 4 to 18 as of May 31st of the current year

2. A swimmer must be a novice swimmer as defined by SHRSL.

3. A swimmer cannot have swum on any college or university swim team

4. 6 & under swimmers must be able to legally swim freestyle across the pool

5. 7 & up swimmers must be able to legally swim freestyle and backstroke across the pool unassisted

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2024 Southwest Houston 

Recreational Swim League Team (SHRSL)

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