
Makeup Meet 1 Sign-Up is Open


  • First Shift of Meet 1 is credited.
  • Second Shift of Meet 1 is not credited.
  • Please sign up for makeup Meet 1 today, Saturday, June 1, at 4:30 pm.
  • Note nuances to sign-up.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during the tough circumstances of Meet 1 on Wednesday. We will implement changes to make check-in simpler and smoother. More on that later. Right now, we need volunteers for the makeup Meet 1, now scheduled with the Commonwealth Piranhas on Thursday, June 6, at 5 pm.

A lot of thought and consideration goes into defining volunteer requirements. We aim not to overburden any single parent. However, rain cancellations like this make us short on volunteers. Therefore, I apologize in advance if we may be short for Meets 4 and 5 and might need to ask for additional volunteer points beyond the original requirement.

First Shift of Meet 1 is credited
If you or your substitute showed up and signed in for Meet 1 last Wednesday, you have credit as specified by Dan.

Second Shift of Meet 1 is not credited
Due to the cancellation, the second shift is not credited. If you need points, you can sign up to volunteer for the makeup meet this Thursday.

Please sign up for makeup Meet 1 today
We need volunteers for this meet to happen. The sign-up are now open. If you want to earn credit missed from last Wednesday, this is your chance. If you will be at the meet for your kid(s) to compete, please consider volunteering. We always need Tent Parents, and it is generally not difficult to volunteer as a Tent Parent for your kid’s age group.

Note nuances to this sign-up
When you sign up, you will see positions for Events 3-37 this is for the First Shift and must be available at the regular time for the beginning of the meet. Please ignore Events #1-2 if you see positions available. We did it this way so we could credit the families who served at the rained-out Meet 1. Sign up for Event #3-37 if you want to sign up for the First Shift. For those of you who showed for the First Shift last Wednesday, there’s nothing more for you to do, but please sign up for the makeup Meet 1 as we expect to need all the help possible.

Once again, thank you for serving your Torpedoes, and I look forward to seeing you at the pool.

~Steve Dowd

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2024 Southwest Houston 

Recreational Swim League Team (SHRSL)

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