
Volunteer Positions Still Outstanding

A few important topics to go over regarding our volunteer requirements:

1. We have some fine young adults who are eager to help you fulfill your volunteer requirements in the event of an absence or other needs. It is important for you to understand, however, that this arrangement is between you and them, and it remains your responsibility until the event is completed. Once completed, you will receive credit for your points. The flat rate for their services is $50 per shift, and it is payable to them and NOT the Torpedoes. If you require the assistance of one of the Volunteers-At-Large, please contact them with as much notice as possible and specify which event(s) you need them to cover that you are signed up for:


2. There are still volunteer positions available for all swim meets, with many openings for Meets 4 and 5. Please sign up as soon as possible. If you are signing up as a Tent Parent, a background screening is mandatory. The application is easy to fill out: Click here for the background check application.

3. This is a reminder that a volunteer deposit of $250 is held for every family that is unable to fulfill the requirement of 12 points. The requirement is 12 points or more and cannot be less than 12 points. Please note that it is your responsibility to keep track of your hours and requirements and ensure they are completed. If, for any reason, a meet must be rescheduled, it is still your responsibility to cover your volunteer duties or find a replacement. Contact me at [email protected] with any questions.

4. Everyone who has shown up for a shift up to this point has been credited.

Thank you for serving your Torpedoes and I wish you a great Memorial Day weekend.

Steve Dowd
Torpedoes Volunteer Coordinator

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2024 Southwest Houston 

Recreational Swim League Team (SHRSL)

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