
Volunteers Still Short of Required Service Points

Please find below your phone number along with the associated total points if you are still short of the required 12 points for the season:

  • Total Points: 11
    • Phone: 7138990073; 7138996589
    • Phone: 8322796867; 8322444287
  • Total Points: 10
    • Phone: 8326330227
    • Phone: 8324434116; 8322599826
    • Phone: 5127995914; 5073827090
    • Phone: 8326063230; 4047475532
    • Phone: 3615481239
    • Phone: 7132402011
  • Total Points: 9
    • Phone: 2812487541
    • Phone: 8326003571; 5097503091
  • Total Points: 8
    • Phone: 7135826624; 7134984999
    • Phone: 4123272719; 4127597388
  • Total Points: 6
    • Phone: 6573604114; 6573604123

Also, please see the attached catalog that indicate all filled and unfilled positions for the season.  We still need many Tent Parents.  Click here for the background check application. You must complete the background check before you report for the Tent Parent position, else you will have to be turned away with no chance to earn points for that shift.

Please sign up for Meets 1 and 2 before the swim meets later in the season.

Thanks you for serving our New Territory Torpedoes.

Steve Dowd sends.

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2024 Southwest Houston 

Recreational Swim League Team (SHRSL)

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