
List for Completed Background Check

Listed Below are the latest for completed background check and eligible to sign up for the Tent Parent positions.  Signups begin tomorrow night, Wednesday, 8 May at 8:00 PM.  To complete a background check proceed to this link and find the link about 1/3 down the page:  https://shrsl.org/forms/background-screening/

Background Check Complete as of 7 May 2024, 12:00 PM:

  • Alsaadi, Atheer
  • Bibb, Erin
  • Bradicich, Judy
  • Bray, Michael
  • Brody, Sean
  • Brogan, Sean
  • Chong, Aimee
  • Chong, Chris
  • Chow, Hannah
  • Chow, Meng Leong
  • Dowd, Stephen
  • Grace, Erin
  • Harubin, Kimberly
  • Hingle, Raoul
  • Jiwani, Munira
  • Johnson, Kimberly
  • Khalil, Mariam
  • Lewis, Elizabeth
  • Limon, Ashley
  • Lindley, Elloria
  • Liu, Bei
  • Lobo, Meryl
  • Meskill, Sarah
  • Mohanty, Ipsit
  • Mohanty, Satarupa
  • Morrow, Kevin
  • Morrow, Laura
  • Pinto, Anand
  • Pirani, Jasmine
  • Ramirez, Kimberly
  • Rieber, Nathan
  • Rohde, Rosamond
  • Russell, Eric
  • Sharma, Ashutosh
  • Shukla, Meenakshi
  • Silva, Jennifer
  • Somcio, Deepa
  • Stoll, Catherine
  • Tellez, Liz
  • Tsao, Suwei
  • Watson, Marie-France
  • Yurasek, Daniel
  • Zhu, Jiaxin
  • Zwerneman, Stacy
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2024 Southwest Houston 

Recreational Swim League Team (SHRSL)

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